This book is published on the shoulders of those people who have volunteered their personal stories of how they entered Islam. If you, the reader, are open to the possibility that Allah, the Creator, has given you clear evidence to accept Him and His message of Islam, then read these stories. From different backgrounds, and different experiences, you just might find someone here who had the same questions and doubts that you may have. Many of these people have endured against tremendous obstacles, including parental opposition, despair with other religions, being blind, and being lied to about the true nature of Islam.
Through Gospel accounts of the crucifixion, Shaikh Ahmad Deedat exposes the fallacy of the crucifixion.
Author: Ahmed Deedat
Lessons on Fasting, Taraweeh & zakaat: contains numerous beneficial points. Itis divided up into eight sections, which were designed to serve as lessons on distinct topics commonly talked about during the month of Ramadan.
Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen
Translators: Abu Maryam Ismaeel Alarcon
Undoubtedly, the heart leans towards those who are kind and gentle. It was said a long time ago: "Make your face happy and your words gentle, and you will be more beloved to the people than those who give them a gift". The one calling to the religion of Islam and dealing with other people has the utmost need to gather the people around him, and cause their hearts to lean towards him so that they will listen to him. Adorning himself with kindness and gentleness helps to achieve that goal with the grace of Allah.
A brief but nice booklet discussing Zakaah, those items and amounts upon which it is due, and where it is to be spent. Includes a few important fataawa related to Zakaah
Author: Abdul Aziz bin Abdullah bin Baz
The Muslim Creed - 'Aqeedatut-Tahaawiyyah.
Author: Abu Jafar at-Tahawi
Translators: Suhaib Hasan AbdulGhaffar