Translated from the original Arabic into English, provides a vivid insight into the moral conduct of the early Muslims in a society led by the perfect character of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) ('I was only sent to perfect good character'). The Prophet's Companions represent excellent examples of men of vigorous moral stature whose conduct inspired and attracted the masses to the fold of Islam wherever they went during the expansion of the Muslim territories, and contrary to the stereotypic portrayal, in the West, of Islam as being spread by the sword.
Author: Muhammad ibn Ismaeel al-Bukhari
An explanation of the different situations in which one must make prostrations for forgetfulness and when to perform them.
Author: Muhammad ibn Saleh al-Othaimeen
We introduce this book as a clear message and a reminder of the principles and fundamentals of Shariah which should not be absent from any Islamic movement drawn into committing itself, in all matters, to Shariah laws.
Author: Abdul-Malik al-Qasim
This is a brief book which explains the meanings and the definitions of the miracle. It also takes a look at some of the scientific facts mentioned in the Quran which modern scientists, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, affirm as true.
Author: Ahmed Deedat
The Guidance of Muhammad -Blessings and Peace Be Upon Him- Concerning Worship, Dealings and Manners: The guidance of Muhammad -Blessings and Peace Be Upon Him- is the practical application of Islam. It consolidates all the characteristics that make Islam easy to embrace and practice, for it includes all aspects of life, whether religious, practical, ethical, material or spiritual. This book contains selections from the scholarly work by Imam Ibn al-Qayyim, "Zadul-Ma`ad"
Author: Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah - Ahmad bin Uthman Al-Mazyad
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
This is the "women's lib" age as the West preform to term it. But is it true? Is it not a lip-service age turning women practically to "dolls" or something like "real-life dolls"? Women entering the fold of Islam played an enviable prominent role, side by side their counterparts, in shaping and developing the Muslim society as a model from the onset, emancipating humanity, men and women, from the shackles of deep-rooted ignorance. Women in Islam have a very special place, status, and dignity that is unknown to mankind before or after. The women in this book are listed in categories, such as "Mothers of the Prophet", "Wives of the Prophet", "The Prophet's Daughters", and many more categories.
Author: Mohammed Ali Qutub
Reveiwers: Muhammad AbdulRaoof
Publisher: - Islam Web Website