Muslim Library

Nukhbat al-Fikr (the top of thinking in the classification of hadith)

  • Nukhbat al-Fikr (the top of thinking in the classification of hadith)

    The science of hadith is one of the most honourable and important sciences as we know through it the truthfulness of what was narrated to messenger of Allah peace be upon him whether it is authentic or weak.It's importance and honorability are due the honorability and importance of it's target which is the sunnah of the messenger peace be upon him , the second source of the islamic legislation, the words of who doesn't pronounce any word out of prejudice, it is nothing except a revelation revealed. And from the most collective and summarized written texts of this field is The Text Of Nukabat Al Fakar In Mostalah Ahal Al Athar (the top of thinking in the classification of hadith) by the Hafiz Ahmed Ibn Ali Ibn Hajar Al Askalany Al Shafi may the mercy of Allah be upon him.And this is the reading of the text.



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